Tonight is the night to learn how to have the most successful 2010 Open Studio you can possibly have!
Tonight's Marketing Workshop is not just about how to market yourself well by standing out from the 255 artists... it's about every aspect of your Open Studio; from set up to take down, art sales to mailing lists, visitors and assistants.
Are you as prepared as you want to be? Was your Open Studio as successful as you wanted it to be last year? If you're answering "no" to these questions, you need to come to this free workshop.
Listen to experience artists' who have participated in Open Studios for multiple years. Get a packet of information and resources to use for years to come!
If you can, RSVP to the ARTS Obispo office ASAP! (805) 544-9251 - If you call past 4pm and can't get through, show up anyway! The bigger the crowd, the more input we have = better results/ideas for your Open Studio.