Thursday, May 27, 2010


As ARTS Obispo has been lucky enough to have artists volunteering, we have been hearing that some of the OSAT artist community is under the impression that the 2010 OSAT Catalogs will ONLY be online:

THIS IS NOT THE CASE! They will be online; but they also WILL BE PRINTED!!! We plan on PRINTING a minimum of 2,500!

Spread the word! Not only is the catalog free, it will be online & in the printed form you all know and love! Each artist will still get one free catalog!

Monday, May 3, 2010

254 in 2010!

Dear Artist who has turned in their application,
Thank you for signing up for the 12th annual Open Studios Art Tour! You are now part of the largest visual art event on the Central Coast.
This year OSAT has over 250 artists participating and anticipating the arrival of the FREE catalogs (not available until September)!
Please look for emails/posts containing information on:
The 6x6(x6) Preview Exhibition (registration forms available beginning of June)
Postcard Appointments (TBD)
Marketing Workshop (August)

To all the volunteers, thank you! You will be contacted by MARNIE, she is the AmeriCorps representative in our office who will coordinate your volunteer hours with ARTS Obispo. We cannot thank you enough!

Also, DON'T FORGET.... you are now MEMBERS! With that membership you can/should be on the ONLINE VISUAL ARTIST DIRECTORY (OVAD). Please submit 4 images (on a CD) with the correct form (email me to get that form;

I know, I know... one more form to fill out, one more disc to burn... but the OVAD is another way for people to see your work! Don't let the thumbnail in the catalog be the only image available. Let the public see what you create! You've already paid for it!
