Thursday, December 30, 2010

12x12(x12) - Shoes It Yourself!

This is one of the last fund-raising 12x12(x12) workshops for the 2010 Open Studios Art Tour - Check it out!

Shoe It Yourself! January 22 — 1 to 4 p.m.

Come learn how to transform your old shoes into fabulous new ones with the new leather paints and Margot Silk Forrest’s expert guidance.

In this three-hour workshop, you’ll learn how to transform ordinary footwear into wearable art for your feet! With Margot Silk Forrest’s guidance, you will create a pair of one-of-kind shoes of your own design using her collection of 26 colors of gleaming and metallic leather paints. You will also learn how to glue or stitch on embellishments, add glitter to your shoes, and adapt these same techniques to handbags.

Margot will bring numerous examples of shoes she has created, plus all the paints and other supplies you will need for painting your shoes. There is a materials fee of $8, which includes a set of three paint brushes you will take home.

When you come to class:

Wear or bring a painting smock or old shirt to protect your clothes from the paint — it’s permanent!

Bring a pair of new or used shoes, sandals or boots. They should be made of leather, man-made “leather” or fabric. (Note: Many people bring athletic shoes to paint and are disappointed when they find out that they can’t paint the soles. Paint simply won’t stick to that kind of plastic. However, if you want to paint the upper part of the shoe and are okay with leaving the soles their original white or black, go ahead and bring them.)

If you’re not sure which shoes will work best, bring multiple pairs and/or email Margot at

Call ARTS Obispo now to sign up! 544-9251

For ideas and inspiration, look at the shoes on Margot’s blog. Or on Margot's website.
Margot also has a book you can check out: Sassy Feet! How to Paint, Bead, Bedeck and Embellish Your Shoes, which is available in her online store and in the San Luis Obispo library system.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 Review & Looking to 2011

Catalog Numbers
  • 2,500 catalogs were printed & distributed throughout the county – free for the first time in 2010! (50 were sent out to surrounding county arts councils, in hopes to encourage out-of-county visitors)
  • 1,200 catalogs were downloaded in the month of October from the ARTS Obispo website
  • Catalogs are available online, adding thousands more ad impressions to the basic printed distribution
  • All advertisers in the Open Studios Art Tour catalog are listed on our website as a clickable link from Sept. 2011 through Dec. 2011
  • The 2011 catalog will be available to download from Sept. 2011 – May 2012
Website Numbers
  • The Open Studios Art Tour page on the ARTS Obispo website received 3,500 unique visits during October
  • The Online Visual Artist Directory (where all OSAT artists have 4 or more images) received over 6,000 unique visits in October
  • Over a 6 month period our website traffic increased by 2,150 unique visits and we sustained a half million hits during the same period (Summer/Fall ‘09 and Summer/Fall ‘10). We anticipate these numbers will increase with the launch of our new website in early 2011.
Visitor Numbers
  • Based on catalog distribution, an estimated 3,700 – 7,400 visitors toured Open Studios last October
  • Based on artist surveys; there were over 500 out-of-county visitors to Open Studios.
  • These visitors came from as far away as Alaska, Chicago, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas and North Carolina, and as close as Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, the Valley, San Francisco, and San Diego
Demographic Numbers
  • Based on visitor surveys; 63% of Open Studios Art Tour visitors are over the age of 55 leaving 37% to the visitors age 54 and below

OSAT 2011

Open Studios Art Tour 2011
October 15-16: South County
October 22-23: North County
October 29-30: Encore Weekend Countywide